Membership Guidelines


The Shine & Rise Slack community and any associated events should be maintained as safe spaces. Information and conversations should not be shared outside of Shine & Rise.


Members are expected to respect each other and the diverse experiences, perspectives, and boundaries of all members. 


Shine & Rise is not a promotional platform. We encourage sharing your personal accomplishments and contributions to the field, and members are permitted to offer their services, as long as the goal is to add value to your fellow members and the community. 


Whether you are just trying to break into tech or have been working in the field for 30 years, we believe everyone has something to gain and something to contribute to the Shine & Rise community. All members are expected to regularly participate in the community to the extent they are able. 


Intellectual debate and challenge make a more vibrant, dynamic community. Members must be open to giving and receiving feedback in pursuit of personal growth. 


We strongly encourage formal and informal mentorship and sponsorship. Feel free to reach out directly to other members or ask one of our founders if you are looking to connect to a specific person or someone with specific experience/background. 


Shine & Rise is constantly growing. As we grow, our mission, vision, culture, and guidelines will evolve.


Members may be removed from Shine & Rise for any reason, including the lack of adherence to these guidelines.